Transform Sayulita: Join Us in Creating a Cleaner Community
Are you tired of seeing heaps of garbage on every street corner in Sayulita? We are too!

Now, you can help us be a part of the solution.

Azul Sayu A.C. and Pro Sayulita A.C. have joined forces with a shared vision: to transform the sight of black garbage bags littering our streets into the elegance of proper trash enclosures placed strategically throughout town. Additionally, we aim to expand recycling separation stations in key areas, making it easy to separate and recycle waste. Our initiative will unfold in phases, guided by the flow of funding. With your support, these essential trash and recycling stations will be installed, enhancing the environment and lifestyle of our community.

Whether you are a resident or business owner, this project promises to create a cleaner and safer place to live.
Achieving this transformation hinges on the generosity of our residents.
We can’t do this without your help! Please donate to Operation Trash today!

Your contributions will propel us toward our goal of raising
1,400,000 pesos for this vital project!

Use PayPal and receive a tax deductible in the U.S.A. - 501 (c) 3 and if you are using a fidelity or
other charitable trust , email us at and we can share how you can donate from a charitable trust.

Download Operation Trash Planning Document below ~


Do you love Sayulita? Do you want to see it looking clean and vibrant? This can only happen with your help and generosity. Whether a one-time gift or a monthly donation, we will raise USD 87,000 (1.4 million pesos) in 2024 and institute a recycling and garbage program that rivals other in Mexico’s Pueblo Mágicos!




    1. Eliminate visual and sanitary contamination caused by the accumulation of garbage.

    2. Create educational opportunities and improved systems for the disposal of garbage and recycling options.

    3. Increase and expand existing cycling opportunities, thereby reducing trash.

    4. Encourage our community to separate trash from recyclable items.


    We aim to transform Sayulita into a pilot project and leader in Mexico’s waste management and ecological practices. If we are truly are a Pueblo Mágico, then we must step up our commitment to the environment! Through this project, we will be an example of the ‘solution against pollution’ in Banderas Bay, where our economy relies on tourism. Let’s show Mexico and the rest of the world that we can live harmoniously with the environment. Please help us make this happen by donating to Operation Trash.

    Please share your ideas or tell us how your expertise can help our organization. We need campaign ambassadors willing to help out!


    Our goal is to raise funds to purchase and maintain the following:

    • 23 mobile, garbage truck-loadable containers

    • 8 Trash Casitas to be located around town

    • 4 recycling containers

    Additional locations and containers will be included in future phases.

    Total Project Costs: USD 87,000 / 1.4 million pesos


    It may seem simple, but it is time for Sayulita to upgrade to garbage containers that are easily loaded into the garbage trucks that roll through town. This project will fund 23 mobile trash containers that will contain scents, keep out rodents, and be easily loadable into the trucks. Invest in a cleaner Sayulita.

    Here are the initial locations where we will place bins and Trash Casitas. The installation size will be dictated by each location’s demands, but this plan will give us excellent coverage in the hot spots that are currently problematic. Invest in this program and help the entire town clean up it’s act.


    • We have a legal permit for this project.

    • We have the support of the Bahia des Banderas Municipal Government.

    • GIRRSA Disposal Co. our sponsor, will match (peso for peso) any amount raised for our large mobile dumpsters.

    • We need your donations to make this happen.


    Sayulita has welcomed all of us and has become a town full of vibrancy and life. If you own a business here and profit from tourism and locals alike, it is your responsibility to manage your business’s waste effectively and contribute to environmental stewardship in the community, at he very least, support organizations like AZUL SAYU and Pro Sayulita that are making a difference in our quality of life.


    • Monthly Membership $42.00
    • Annual Membership $500.00